Student Sponsorship Program
Because of the busy schedule, we can only visit three out of the five sponsored children on this trip, and we have received a family that has extended a request for assistance. What we learn from these visitations, we observed there was one common thing, that is poor people only address to present needs, no plan at all for the future, even as important as a birth certificate or identity card, they will not spend time and money for their children. Without an identity, how can parents expect their children to have a good job or well studies? Due to such short term visions, parents are passing the poverty to their children, generations to generations.
The sponsorship condition of "Solar Act Organization" is to insist each application must have the children to provide an identification card, if none, one year tolerance period will be granted otherwise the financial assistance will be waived at next year. Besides, each family must be accessed by missionaries regularly. The purpose is to make sure children are adequately cared for and attending only Christian school. Missionaries also seek chances to spread the gospel to these families too.
Apprenticeship Program
Although children living in the orphanages can continue study in government schools, not all of them have an interest in school. Besides, when they are at the teenage, emotions are strong plus some of them have broken family relationship background, that gives the Dean many headaches.
Given this, we have proposed to support two children who have behaved well but do not wish to study to work for one year. Solar Act Organization will be responsible for salaries, and the requirement is only to work in a Christian organization. We expect children can learn both skill set and discipline if they do not want to continue studies. Each month's salary will be split as 40% cash to the children, 20% to the orphanage and 40% to save up and will be given only when they finish one year contract. The Dean agrees with this scheme because it helps to cultivate children's sense of responsibility and patience.

Solar Energy Program
Solar energy installed on a small island does not have the expected performance, nor helping missionaries to spread gospel and discipleship. Initially, the head of the household mistakenly thought the panel could supply long term power, so he often neglected the time to save up the energy. Another fatal mistake was he used the power to produce ice cubes for business, the refrigerator consumed much power every day. Even the supplier repeated to educate and explain; the household refused to listen. The trust between the user and supplier broke. When we are there to study the case, we learn that to solve the usage problem is to add either a panel or more batteries, but we decline such a proposal. It is the because the concept to install solar panel is for gospel work, meaning missionaries can spend more time indoor where fans, lights and audio system can operate. A nearby neighbor is welcomed to enjoy fellowship. We do not expect the panels are for business or profit-making, therefore our decisions are leaving it as the current state.
Although the first installment does not meet our expectations, we learn valuable experience. We still believe in regenerated energy and planning to install them for Muslim villages or other islands that are lesser developed.

Christian Kindergarten Program
When in Batam Ruden needed to visit the bank frequently for various transactions, so he had a good relationship with a staff there. When Ruden mentioned about searching a place for building a kindergarten, the staff recommend us a property agent. Indeed, after contact, the agent immediately came to visit us and show us various places. Later, we are also recommended by several people to lawyers. They all are very helpful and professional. During the trip, we also meet some ex-principals asking them information to set up schools and how to recruit teachers and staffs.
We expect kindergartens to be profitable; the profits are used to run other charity ministries. Only to have reliable an stable income we can expand and deliver excellent quality services to the fields, and the name of Jesus be honored.